Customer Testimonials

"I'm very pleased with the system you installed (Doulton Tap Water Ultracarb Filtration System), it's perfect and the water is very good! After moving to the UK from Norway, we noticed the large difference in the water and required a good system to improve the taste and quality. We would strongly recommend the Osmio systems and installation service and are happy to be supporting a good and ethical company."

Martin Braathen 


"We bought the Watts KWIK Change Triple system for our house and I've never seen a system like it. Osmio came to install the system very quickly and I was impressed with the professionalism, they even tested my water before and after. We're really pleased with our choice of product and it's finally made our tap water drinkable, which has really saved us alot of money we used to spend on bottled water"

Don Kent

"I was very concerned about getting rid of fluoride from the water and I'm really happy that some method has been invented!" The Watts 4 Stage Reverse Osmosis System.

J A Gould