What is Far Infra Red (FIR) Water?

What is Far Infra Red FIR?

All living things are subjected to the natural electromagnetic radiation reaching the earth from the sun, a burning ball of hydrogen. Living organisms experience the beneficial as well as adverse effects of it at all levels, starting from sub-cellular organelles and ending with the whole body. Thermal radiation (or infrared) is a band of energy in the complete electromagnetic spectrum and it has been used effectively for millennia to treat/ease certain maladies and discomforts.

Heated saunas are only one of the avenues (and perhaps the oldest) to deliver the radiation in a controlled environment and within a convenient treatment time. With the development of better technology to deliver pure far infrared radiation (FIR), the benefits from its effects have widened. Nowadays, specialty FIR emitting heat lamps and garments made up of filaments (fibers) impregnated with FIR emitting nanoparticles are becoming used to deliver these thermal radiation effects.

For FIR used as a therapeutic modality the alternative terms “biogenetic radiation” and “biogenetic rays” have been coined and widely used in the popular literature. FIR wavelength is too long to be perceived by the eyes, however, the body experiences its energy as a gentle radiant heat which can penetrate up to 1.5 inches (almost 4 cm) beneath the skin. FIR energy is sufficient to exert rotational and vibrational modes of motion in bonds forming the molecules (including the water molecules) as well as resonate with cellular frequencies. Resulting epidermal temperature is higher when the skin is irradiated with FIR than if similar thermal loads from shorter wavelengths are used. The prolonged erythermal response due to FIR exposure has been proposed to be due to increased epidermal temperatures associated with it, but levels of FIR that do not produce any detectable skin heating can also have biological effects.

Despite all these different uses of FIR in medical applications, the exact mechanisms of the hyperthermic effects and biological activities of FIR irradiation are still poorly understood. It is clear that two kinds of FIR therapy may exist. The first type (FIR saunas and some FIR generators powered by electricity) uses irradiances or power densities (tens of mW/cm2) that are sufficient to heat up the tissue, while others such as ceramic discs, powders, and fabrics (that use no external power but rely on energy from the body) have such low irradiances that they do not heat the tissue (0.1–5 mW/cm2). The question arises to what extent are the fundamental mechanisms of these two forms of FIR therapy the same, and to what extent are they different?

If it can be proved that non-heating FIR has real and significant biological effects, then the possible future applications are wide ranging. Not only could bandages and dressings made out of NIR emitting fabrics be applied for many medical conditions and injuries that require healing, but there is a large potential market in lifestyle enhancing applications. Garments may be manufactured for performance enhancing apparel in both leisure activities and competitive sports areas. Cold weather apparel would perform better by incorporating FIR emitting capability and sleeping environments could be improved by mattresses and bedding emitting FIR.

How is FIR technology used with water products?

Far Infrared rays (FIR) are part of the sunlight spectrum, which is invisible to the naked eye. The wavelength of the far infrared rays range from 4 microns to 1000 microns. The recent studies in biotechnology field revealed that the far-infrared rays played an important role for formation and growth of all living organisms. For this reason, these specific far-infrared rays are called "biogenetic rays". Water and proteins are the integral parts of all living organisms on Earth. Water molecules are always oscillating. If water molecules are exposed to oscillating action of 8-10 micron wavelength (some as wavelength of water molecular oscillation), the "resonance" occurs between the two oscillations.

The resonance causes ionization of water into hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion at extremely high speed (10/12 sec). This ionization is called "water activation." If such activation of water occurs in human cellular tissues, the metabolism of cells and excretion of residues from cells or nutrition are enhanced. Water makes up 70% of mass of the human body. FIR is able to activate, revitalize, reactivate, develop and strengthen various organs in our bodies when it is absorbed.

In the various organs of human body, the circulatory system plays an important role, especially in micro-circulatory system. When there are problems with micro-circulatory system, various ailments will occur. FIR vibrating at a frequency similar to that of human body is able to penetrate the body activates cells and re-activates as well as strengthens the micro-circulatory systems. It regulates the blood flow and blood in blood vessels, which have been blocked due to blood clots and at the same time reactivate the vital energy in the body.

Elevation of the immunity of our bodies against diseases is another benefit of FIR waves. This is part of the effects of the improvement in micro-circulatory system and metabolism of the body. It helps to slow down the ageing process, increase resistance against diseases and increases longevity.

Bio-ceramic granulate contained in the AIFIR filter is the product, which is made of various kind of ceramics, mixed with mineral oxides like Silica Oxide (SiO2), Aluminum Oxide (Al2O2), etc. The mixture of these materials will emit FIR (far-infrared rays)

FIR causes resonance with water molecules. It ionizes and activates water molecules in our cells and blood thus improving our blood circulation and health condition.

Far-infra-red are also used in:

。Prevention of bacteria growth

。Relieving of pain

。Softening of hard water

。Eliminating bad odor in water

。Purification of air

。Strengthening and health improvement

。Speeding up repair of body cells

。Balancing of acid level in our body

。Normalization of blood cholesterol

。Preventing mould

。Enhancing and maintain freshness

。Helping plants to grow better

There is no age limit for using our products. In fact, AIFIR can be used from the day you are born until the very old age. There are no side effects of exposure to FIR. The real effects can be measured in improved stamina, health and overall good living.