Best Kettle of 2019

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Best Kettle of 2019

What makes a good kettle and what is currently the best kettle?

Our top rated kettle in 2019

Great question, and at Osmio Water we have answered it!

The best kettle 2019 offers the highest quality filtered water. It is the most energy efficient kettle and the safest for extraction of heavy metal from the heating elements or the build up of calcium inside the kettle (or both).

The Osmio Zero is hands down the best kettle of 2019! It ensures the highest energy efficient by doing a cup by cup heating and dispensing of the water at four different temperatures using safe ceramic coated heating elements. This ensures no risk of heavy metal corrosion. No other product combines high end filtration using reverse osmosis to ensure no limescale build up in the kettle plus highly pure water which has been safely heated. The best part, just like a regular kettle you can have it anywhere! No installation is required.

A major benefit of this product is that conventional reverse osmosis systems generate a huge amount of waste. Read more below to find out why!

The system provides a cup by cup dispense of 250ml at the following temperatures:

Normal temperature water (approx. 25 ° C), ideal for direct drinking
Warm water (40 ° C - 50 ° C) ideal for baby food
Hot water (80 ° C - 88 ° C) ideal for coffee
Nearly boiling water (90 ° C - 98 ° C) ideal for tea

Kettles heating elements - metal vs ceramic coated

best kettle 2019
Ceramic kettle heating elements protect from heavy metals from corrosion

Ceramic coated heating elements inside the Osmio Zero, make it the safest kettle on the market. Kettles typically use metal heating elements and this can present problems over time, especially with regard to corrosion.

When there are signs of corrosion on heating elements, them there is going to be leachable metals going into your water. The quite sad thing about our world today on the internet is that so many so people have written pages about the best kettle our the top ten best kettles. However, not a single article on the internet that we have found focuses on the single most important aspect of heating water; which is what is it doing to our health.

Owners of reverse osmosis systems or distillers may have had much experience with kettles corroding. It's very common to speak to a long term owner of a reverse osmosis system, who will tell you first had about what they do to kettles. From experince, kettles can corrode even days after contact with very pure water. even the best most expensive stainless steel grades havent lasted more than 2 year before corroding.

The most energy efficient kettle

The Osmio Zero is the most energy efficient kettle.

Using a conventional kettle, the amount of energy needed to heat 1 litre of water by 1 degree is 4200 Joules, so if we’re heating 0.25litres (1 cup) from 10 to 100 degrees celsius then this needs 94.5 kJ. To work out how much energy you are using you can time how long it takes for your kettle to boil 1 cup (250ml) of water.

Most kettles these days are about 3kW power rating. Therefore, in practice, the kettle should eat through 3000 Joules per second, meaning that our water should be boiled in 31.5 seconds! This would cost approximately 0.4p depending on your tariff’s price per kWh. By our calculations, the Osmio Zero is approximately 80% more energy efficient than a regular kettle, but in practice who boils 1 cup at a time in a kettle?

High purity of water makes the Osmio Zero the best kettle - No other kettle offers reverse osmosis level filtration

Reverse osmosis separates water into a highly pure and highly concentrated stream. This means the water is thousands of times purer in content than "inline water filters", where all the water goes in, and all of it comes out and no separation occurs other than for undissolved solids, but not much for dissolved solids.

In practice this means reverse osmosis water filters offer the best performance for reduction of heavy metals, chemical, microbiological, hormone and pharmaceutical testing parameters.

Authored by:

Mark Kent Osmio Pure Planet Blogger