Berkey Red Dye Test

Only use synthetic and not natural red dye will work on the Berkey elements.

Please note that the following information supersedes that which is contained within the supplied manual for your Berkey product.

Due to the fact that artificial red food dye is banned in the EU/UK because of health concerns, the instructions for the red food dye test are not the same as the instructions you find on the American Berkey system assembly sheet.

Please follow the instructions below.

Use only synthetic red food colour sold in tiny 38-50ml bottles without any added glucose, sugars or thickening agents. These are available at all major supermarkets or Asian food shops. Do not use Dr. Oetker Gel Food Colour Bright Red or any other gel based food colour.

Fill your Berkey with water, and then add a quarter (1/4) teaspoon or less of synthetic red dye colouring to the upper chamber, stirring well. Add a half (1/2) teaspoon or less to the upper chamber of an Imperial or Crown Berkey. The water should have a slight pinkish tinge. If the food colouring is completely removed, your system is working properly. If not, make sure the wing nuts on the elements as well as the blocking plugs are securely tightened then re-run the test.

Once you have determined the water is running through clear for 5-10 minutes the remainder of the coloured water in the upper chamber can be discarded.

This video describes in detail how to accurately test your Black Berkey Purification elements if you are using the synthetic red dye sold in the USA and elsewhere and the process is the same for the UK, except you must use the correct type of synthetic red dye and not the natural red dye sold in the UK/EU.