How to make perfectly clear ice cubes

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How to make perfectly clear ice cubes
 Water_Filter_for_Ice_MakerHave you ever wondered how you can make a perfectly clear ice cube? Recently a customer of ours who has a reverse osmosis system complained that the ice he was producing using his reverse osmosis water contained a little bit of white in the centre of the ice, but that everything else was perfectly clear. What is that white bit in the middle of the ice?The appearance of ice is largely determined by the presence of impurities and/or air inclusions. In our customers case it was not the presence of impurities!The white stuff in the centre of the ice cube made with pure water is caused when the water is frozen in one go rather than progressively in layers. If you imagine a natural forming icicle, it is clear because the water is progressively being layered up and therefore does not trap air bubbles in the water.If you freeze the water in your ice tray from your home freezer, this will trap the air into the ice cube and leave you with the the cloudy looking centre. One technique you can employ is to boil the water, allow it to cool down, boil it again and then after the second cooling, gently pour it into your ice tray. If that does not work, try layering the water progressively, i.e. pour a bit into the ice tray, freeze it, then a bit more water until you have a clear ice cube!For restaurants, this process is very much dependent on your ice machine/maker and whether or not it freezes the ice cube in one go or produces it progressively.  When the ice maker produces the water progressively, the cold water runs continuously over a plate or a grid where the ice is forming, and the ice cubes (or ice disks in some machines) grow in layers. In addition to this, crystal clear ice is made using distilled or reverse osmosis water to ensure there are no dissolved minerals which could like to some opacity in the ice cube.So in conclusion, to make perfectly clear ice you need a proper ice maker which layers the ice progressively and does not freeze it in one go very quickly (like a traditional ice making tray would do if you popped it into the freezer). Doing it at home is probably a bit of a long-winded exercise unless you have lots of time to spend on it!Osmio Water Filter Systems will not lead to crystal clear ice (by themselves), as this is largely dependent on how to machine makes ice) but it will remove chemicals, heavy metals and scale to ensure the ice tastes good and is purer, whilst protecting the machine from the build-up of scale.