Water Powered Car

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Water Powered Car
 A Japanese company called Genepax have produced a water powered car which can run on any water. An energy generator splits the water molecules to produce hydrogen and this is used to power the car. They use a membrane electrode assembly (MEA) to split the Hydrogen from the Oxygen through a chemical reaction. The cell needs only water and air, eliminating the need for a hydrogen reformer and high pressure hydrogen tank.An engine powered by water would wipe out a large chunk of the fossil fuel industry and change the way these companies do business all together. The oil and gas and military industrial corporations combine to bring in trillions of dollars every year. Inventions like these are a direct threat to the industry!Great isn't it!? :)Wouldn't it be great if they built-in a water filter system and water chiller so you could also get cool filtered water from the tank reverse while you are on the road!