Posts tagged 'molecular hydrogen'

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The Impact of Minerals in Water on Your Health: Exploring Evidence
The Impact of Minerals in Water on Your Health: Exploring Evidence
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Electrically expanded water - The plasma form of water

Electrically expanded water (EXW) is a negatively charged plasma with an added electron. it is water that has soaked up electricity which is bio-available. A third gas is formed from an electrolyzer, which is the definitive difference between hydrogen as H2 and Hydroxy or Brown's Gas.

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Is alkaline water good for you? Truth and myths of alkaline water.

To get familiar with the recent trend of alkaline water you need to understand some fundamental acid-base chemistry. Alkaline water has a higher pH than other sources of water. The scale for pH ranges from 0 to 14. So, what is pH? It measures the concentration of free hydrogen ions in a solution. The presence of many hydrogen ions makes the solution more acidic, more acidic solution, therefore, has a low PH. Solutions with a small number of hydrogen ions are not acidic and have a higher PH these solutions are called alkaline.